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Debate on BEPS, Transfer Pricing, EU State Aid and the developments in the Netherlands

Theo Elshof took part in the discussion on EU state aid, the future of transfer pricing and the policies with prominent Dutch tax specialists such as Marlies de Ruiter, former lead of the BEPS project of the OECD, Harry Roodbeen director of Ministery of Finance and Professors Peter Wattel, Peter Essers and Cees Peters.

The discussion related to the Starbucks case and surrounding factors as BEPS, state aid and the position of the Dutch Tax Authorities. Theo commented amongst others on the need for certainty for taxpayers and the difficult (political) climate the professionals at the Tax Authorities are operating in currently

Theo was amongst others invited because of his former role as the head of the Dutch APA-practice and because he has experience on both sides of the table (as tax director of MNEs, key member of the Dutch Transfer price team and in consultancy).

Click here to have a look at the video (only in Dutch).

Please feel free to reach out to Theo for a non-committal call on the developments in the transfer pricing landscape.

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