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    icon Quantera Global

    Sharing Transfer Pricing knowledge.

    At Quantera Global, we believe that sharing knowledge is essential and builds relationships. The QG Academy is meant to share Transfer Pricing knowledge in an accessible manner.

    The QG Academy is intended for tax and finance professionals, CFOs and CEOs who would like to learn about transfer pricing. 

    Our QG Academy is available in the following forms:

    • Webinars
      • we organize webinars on specific Transfer Pricing topics. Our webinars are free-of-charge at the moment to provide support in these difficult times.
      • we publish videos of a selection of webinars.
    • Private sessions
      • a customised learning experience;
      • can be organised for multiple colleagues, as a one-on-one course or as the start of a project;
      • the class can be held digitally, at our office or your own office;
      • please contact us to discuss what is suitable for your specific case.
    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
      • we have published an overview of the most FAQ on transfer pricing basics and more technical questions on specific transfer pricing topics.

    Do you want to make sure you don’t miss out on our upcoming webinars?

    Please complete the registration form for the webinar you would like to attend here.


    Participants tell our success:

    “Clear introduction about TP matrix by experienced TP professionals”
    Halbe Osinga, Group Finance Controller,
    BIP Holland

    “Pragmatic approach & accessible Academy”
    Tom van Gessel, Global Finance Manager, Cordstrap