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icon Expert witness testimony / opinion

Expert witness testimony / opinion

Dealing with controversies is costly and time-consuming and is usually not beneficial for either party. Controversies may even lead to complicated legal procedures involving many complex topics. One of the potentially complicated tax topics is transfer pricing. As an independent transfer pricing firm, we are in the perfect position to provide an expert witness testimony / opinion on legal procedures concerning transfer pricing. An expert witness testimony / opinion is considered a respected source of information with an independent voice on the subject matter. The expert witness has extensive knowledge and expertise on a particular topic and can therefore provide a qualitative testimony / opinion about a particular case in a legal procedure.

What can we offer
The senior transfer pricing specialists of Quantera Global have extensive knowledge on transfer pricing matters and can therefore act as an expert witness in legal procedures concerning transfer pricing. Our goal as an expert witness is to independently analyse and review the ins and outs of a certain case and express our objective opinion.

If you would like to discuss how we can be of service to you for a expert witness testimony/opinion, please make an appointment for a free consultation by phone or fill in our contact form. We are looking forward to meeting you

Yes, I would like to get in touch

Richard Slimmen
Managing Director

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