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    icon Arbitration and mediation

    Arbitration and mediation

    With the help of the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP), tax administrations resolve an increasing amount of (international) tax treaty disputes. However, there are still many dispute cases that remain unresolved. These unresolved controversies may impose a significant economic burden on the taxpayers (companies), such as double taxation.

    Both arbitration and mediation can often provide a solution for unresolved tax controversies. Arbitration is a widely used instrument for international dispute resolution and can be either based on bilateral tax treaties or supranational treaties/regulation. Another way of resolving controversies is mediation, which can be an efficient alternative instrument to resolve disputes with a mutually beneficial outcome. Mediation is not only a separate tool to solve tax treaty disputes, it is also inherent to the way we work. This means that we guide and monitor processes, which can help prevent disputes. Mediation also means that we understand the interests / stakes from the perspective of the taxpayer as well as from the perspective of the tax administration.

    How can we help
    With a team that includes former senior tax inspectors, we understand the important interests on the tax authorities’ side. In addition, we are good listeners and understand the underlying issues. As such, we can lead the discussion towards a beneficial outcome. However, should the circumstances require going to court, we can provide full support together with a specialised litigation partner.

    If you would like to discuss how we can be of service to you, please make an appointment for a free consultation by phone or fill in our contact form. We are looking forward to meeting you.

    Richard Slimmen
    Managing Director

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