Risk reviews - Quantera Global Schedule a call

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    Risk reviews

    The proactive approach towards transfer pricing
    Your company may have doubts about how to deal with controversy. Do you need a proactive controversy strategy or will a retroactive approach suffice, you might wonder. A proactive approach can include APAs and risk reviews. Whereas a retroactive approach can lead to audits, MAPs and arbitration and mediation. At QG, we advise companies to have a proactive approach towards transfer pricing and controversy.

    The most important tools to proactively deal with controversy are risk reviews and APAs. We understand that due to budgets this is not always feasible for every company. In such cases, we are happy to help and offer our services such as audit readiness preparation which can have a more light and heavy form depending on your risk appetite. Such preparation may include having your storyline in order when questions arise, related documentation and mitigating the key risks.

    Richard Slimmen
    Managing Director

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    I have ended up in audit

    If you have ended up in audit, we are also pleased to provide support in local transfer pricing audits, MAPs and arbitration and mediation. Please click for more information about these services.

    QG offers risk analyses

    If you are concerned about a potential transfer pricing risk, we can perform an analysis and provide advice on how to mitigate this risk. We always take surrounding factors (such as the history of the business and business operation) into account. Dependent on your requirements, our analyses would lead to:

    • Identifying your key risk(s) and the related solution(s)
    • Choosing the most optimal controversy strategy for your specific situation
    • Next steps, such as arranging audit readiness

    If you would like to discuss how we can be of service to you for your risk reviews, please make an appointment for a free consultation by phone or fill in our contact form. We are looking forward to meeting you

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